What is the Lahasunia gemstone like

One of the nine planets is “Ketu” and the gemstone of this planet is Ketu. In today’s post, we will get information about “What is the Lahasunia gemstone like”

The Lahasunia gemstone is found in yellow, green, white, gray, black, and brown colors. Lahasunia is known as Vaidurya, Vidalaksha, Vayaja, Viduraaj, and Cat’s Eye in English. When light falls on it in the dark of night, it looks like a cat’s eye. Lahasunia is found in Sri Lanka, Brazil, America, the Ural region, China, Burma, and India.

What is Cats Eye Gemstone like
What is Cats Eye Gemstone like

What is the Lahasunia gemstone like

The gemstone Lahasunia of the planet Ketu is carved only in ‘Pota’ carving. ‘Pota’ carving means such a carving in which the design is not carved like ruby-topaz. Its carving is round, smooth, and raised. You can see it in the image.
Cats’ Eye is found in different colors according to the region. It is found in green, grey, white, and black colors.

In English, Lahasunia is called “Cat, ‘s Eye” which means Eye of a cat. It is called so because Cats Eye, no matter what color it is, has a shiny stripe on it. Which is called ‘Soot’, when we turn Cats Eye and look at it, this shiny stripe (saw) starts moving. The more shiny this thread is on Cats Eye, the better the Cats Eye gemstone will be considered. Due to the round shape of the cat’s Eye and the thread on it, it looks like a cat’s eye. This is the reason why Cat Eye is called “Eye of a cat”.

What is Cats Eye Gemstone like

Cat’s Eye Gemstone is found in 2 types of categories. One is of the quartz” variety and the other is of the “Chrysoberyl” variety, The Quartz variety has a hardness of 7, and the “Chrysoberyl” variety has a hardness of 8.50.

The quartz variety has a low price and the Chrysoberyl variety has a very high price. Both types of Cat’s Eye are good and are worn according to one’s capacity.

What is Cat’s Eye Gem
What is Cat’s Eye Gem

What is Cat’s Eye Gem

You already know about the color and shape of Cat’s Eye Gem. Now let’s know which type of Cat’s Eye Gem is good.

The best Cat’s Eye Gem is that which is uniform in color, its surface should be smooth, Cat’s Eye Gem should have a good bulge so that the thread on it rotates completely. The thread of Cat’s Eye Gem should be dark and shiny, it should be like a thin thread and not spread like a sheet.

There should not be any kind of stains or pits on Cat’s Eye Gem. There should be no cracks or numbness. A flawed Cats Eye can make life hell, so one should always wear pure and flawless Cats Eye.


So friends, from this post “What is the Lahasunia gemstone like” you must have got a lot of information about the identification of Cats Eye Ratna. We will get complete information about Cats Eye Ratna in the future too. Thank you!

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